
Hammel et al: 2018

Evaluating the Use of Silicone Wristbands To Measure Personal Exposure to Brominated Flame Retardants. This study demonstrates that silicone wristbands can accurately detect personal PBDE exposures.


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Dixon et al., 2018

Publication examining and comparing PAHs found in wristbands, active sampling PUFs, and urinary derivatives in a 48-hr spot sample in a cohort of pregnant women in an Urban environment. More significant correlations between hydroxy-biomarkers in urine samples were found using wristband data than active PUF samples.  Partition coefficients were roughly estimated between silicone and PAHs, opening the door to new ways to back-calculate wristband data to air concentrations.

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Bergmann et al., 2018:

A publication reviewing development of a new quantitative screen for 1550 chemicals with GC-MS at Oregon State which we use in some of the wristband analytics.



Aerts et al., 2018

Provides additional evidence that wristbands represent unique profiles of exposure over other traditional methods, and that the data collected is the result of more comprehensive source pathways of exposures than atmospheric sources alone.  Also expands analysis and modifies methodology from earlier work.  This group was independent of anyone from MyExposome or Oregon State. 



Vidi et al., 2017

Examines DNA damage from hair follicles in children that are associated with agricultural households.  The wristbands were used to examine pesticides the children may have been exposed to and found unique exposures to a number of pesticides. 



Bergmann et al., 2017:

Examines pesticides with agricultural communities in Peru and examines data in context with associated demographics in urban and rural environments. Demonstrates the use of wristbands as chemical samplers in remote environments.



Anderson et al., 2017:

Adds to the fundamental research approach with other methods of preparing and analyzing the wristbands without solvents (i.e. thermal desorption), and provides transport and stability data for over 140 compounds of multiple chemistry classes.



Kile et al. 2016:

Using the approach on a sensitive population with a new chemical category, flame retardants.  Compliance remained high even for small children.



Donald et al., 2016:

Agricultural farm workers in Senegal are exposed to a wide range of pesticides, and the wristbands absorbed chemicals that would have been missed if demographic data (via surveys) was relied on exclusively.


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Hammel et al. 2016:

Comparing the technology to a more traditional method, hand wipes.  While both approaches had correlations with urinary metabolites of flame retardants, the wristbands were slightly more relevant to internal exposure under these study parameters.

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